Monday, May 7, 2012

Today's Feel Good News Story Brought To You By Britney Spears - Crushable

While everyone else slept off their Cinco De Mayo hangovers yesterday and tried to remember why those last tequila shots seemed like a good idea, the one and only Britney Spears worked hard to make a 9-year-old cancer patient’s dream come true. Ryan Kennedy’s currently battling cancer and his biggest wish right now is to make #RyanKennedy trend on Twitter.

After B. Spears heard this news, she tweeted out the following in hopes that her 16,375,154 Twitter followers could help make it happen.

Her fans immediately started retweeting and tweeting in an effort to make #RyanKennedy trend. Other celebs, including Adam Lambert and Shannen Doherty, joined in and hopefully with their help #RyanKennedy will be trending worldwide by tonight.

It’s definitely possible and we’re going to assume that all our wonderfully kind Crushable readers will tweet #RyanKennedy today. It only takes two seconds to help make a sick kid’s dream come true.

Not only are we happy that Brit jumped on this cause, but we’re happy to see celebrities using their incredible star power for good. All too often, they’re using it to promote themselves, to create controversy and to ensure that their drama will land them tabloid cover stories. And as much as we feed into all that news and gossip on a daily basis, we still appreciate when the quality celebs step forward to do something like this.

It took Britney Spears 30 seconds to start a movement. One tweet and suddenly the world was aware of #RyanKennedy and his wish. Can you imagine if one powerful celeb did that every single day. If one A-Lister took a minute to work toward solving a problem. While global issues obviously can’t be solved with one retweet, smaller issues, like making #RyanKennedy trend, can be addressed with Twitter.

I think celebrities sometimes forget that with their amazing star power, comes responsibility to do something positive. Whether that’s tweeting about a charity and asking all followers to donate 1 dollar (16 million followers = 16 million dollars) or bringing light to a rare condition that needs more media attention or even speaking up about their beliefs, their 140 characters can actually make a difference in the world.

Most people can’t say that about anything they post online. So let’s support celebrities when they do the right thing.  And you can start today by retweeting Britney Spears.

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