Saturday, September 15, 2012

YouTube Full of Gangnam Style -

One of YouTube's top videos this week was of Britney Spears appearing on the Ellen show and learning how to dance Gangnam style. Psy, a Korean rapper has brought his unique style of dancing called "Gangnam Style" to the United States and it is gaining popularity on various daytime talk shows as well as through social media.

After Britney Spears tweeted an interest in learning the dance, Ellen brought Psy onto her show and surprised Britney Spears with a very public lesson. It all started with a light trot and then some invisible rope swinging which Britney attempted in her stilettos. However, Britney isn't the first person to try the dance in high heel shoes, many other women can be found dancing gangnam style in stilettos during their wedding reception. A search for gangnam style wedding on YouTube will yield more than 5 pages of results! Some with full wedding parties showing off the Korean dance.

Psy is continuing to gain popularity in the United States with the help of Google's video site, Twitter, Facebook, and even Pinterest. Pinterest has a four step picture guide for visual learners which includes wearing sunglasses, being a cowboy, riding the horse and making it to the finish line.

What do you think about Gangnam Style? Is it a quick fad or will it be around for a few years?

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