Monday, May 27, 2024

Britney Spears gives life update and talks about recent health issues

Britney Spears recently took to Instagram to update her fans on her life. The 42-year-old pop star shared what she's been up to and commented on the recent call to paramedics.

Britney revealed that she's been battling a persistent cold for two months. "I've been sick for two months with a stupid cold," she wrote. She explained that the cold had cleared up briefly but returned.

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The illness has left her feeling constantly tired and fuzzy-headed. To combat this, she started drinking coffee, which helps a bit.Despite not feeling her best, Britney has been keeping busy. She discovered a new love for Burger King, which she disliked when she was younger. One of her current favorite activities is cleaning out drawers. She has also been decorating her home, using stencils to create designs on her walls. She proudly shared that she drew a tropical tree with a bird's nest on her wall.Britney is also making progress on her book, "Invisible," and is currently on page 219. She hired a new chef for her kitchen and shared her fear of going outside due to a potential accident, saying, "I'm scared of the outside world because god forbid I break a foot and someone calls an ambulance so I don't go out much."Britney has been enjoying some new purchases, including silk pajamas, satin heels, and a baby pink lamp for her dog, Snow. She also discovered that Rosetta S tone offers lessons in all languages, not just Spanish. She has been consistent with her beauty routine and spent a day in bed working on her phone. She watched a movie called "Evil" and admitted it scared her. Despite being in her 40s, Britney still collects Hello Kitty items and sleeps with a teddy bear. She tried BBQ Doritos for the first time and liked them. She also painted a picture of a flower with fire around it, which a friend named "Beauty of Mystified Destruction." She humorously shared that she got a splinter in her butt from sitting on her wooden picnic table.

Britney expressed concern about her jewelry being stolen. She shared a video of her mostly empty jewelry box, explaining that many of her pieces, including a special baby cross she wore since she was four, were taken. Because of this, she now buys cheap and fake jewelry out of fear it might get stolen again.In her post, Britney reflected on how having a serious cold made her realize certain things about herself. Despite her struggles, she's finding ways to stay busy and enjoy life.

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