Thursday, August 8, 2024

Britney Spears' sons break silence on grandfather Jamie Spears as restraining order ends

Britney Spears' sons have reportedly rekindled their relationship with their grandfather Jamie Spears, after a restraining order against him 'expired on its own terms'

Past troubles once saw him under a restraining order, keeping him away from his grandsons Sean Preston and Jayden (

Image: BANG Showbiz.)

Britney Spears' sons have reportedly patched things up with their grandfather Jamie Spears.

Past troubles once saw him under a restraining order, keeping him away from his grandsons Sean Preston and Jayden for a time. The order, which stemmed from a 2019 altercation with the elder child, has since "expired on its own terms".

Now, the teenage boys apparently harbour no hard feelings toward their 72-year-old grandad. Mark Vincent Kaplan, lawyer to the kids' dad Kevin Federline, told Page Six, "The boys miss their grandfather. They have forgiven him..." Adding, "There's no restraint between Jamie communicating with them or them communicating with Jamie."

The boys apparently harbour no hard feelings toward their 72-year-old grandad (



He confirmed, "They have been speaking with him." While plans for Preston and Jayden to visit their grandpa in Louisiana were not confirmed by Kaplan, he indicated that 46-year-old Kevin, wouldn't stand in the way, labelling him "supportive" of the reunion.

Kevin himself indicated to ITV in 2022 that he'd be up for Jamie re-entering his boys' lives: "I would absolutely welcome Jamie Spears back in the boys' lives. Especially if that's what the boys wanted." He added, "People make mistakes. I feel bad for him.

"I feel like he's been put through the wringer." While hopes for Britney patching things up with her father, Jamie, who managed her affairs for 13 years until being removed as her conservator in 2021, seem slim, she's apparently mending fences with her sons of late.

It's believed that the communication lines between Britney and her children opened once more about a year ago, and this was somewhat confirmed by Kevin's lawyer in June, stating the kids rang their mum on Mother's Day, signalling a "step in the right direction".

Jamie managed daughter Britney's affairs for 13 years

He stressed: "It's a process that takes more than just a phone call to accomplish." When an alleged squabble between Jamie and Preston had occurred, criminal charges weren't pursued, a move that Kevin Federline openly agreed with at the time.

His solicitor Kaplan mentioned back then: "It was not Kevin's desire to see Jamie Spears be prosecuted. The police report that he initiated was only for the purpose of obtaining protection orders for the children and those remain in place."

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